Final meeting in Appenzell

The whole partner-group will be meeting in Appenzell in August to adopt the whole project and tool. Moreover a final decision on the businessplan will take place – a pre-condition for the sustainability of the project.

Appenzell: Final Meeting in Switzerland: 22.-24.8.2012

Thomas Eckert, LMU (lead agency), Germany
Ruth Jermann, SVEB, Switzerland
Jutta Thinesse-Demel, LRD (coordinator), Germany
Jeanette Stephenson, Durham County, UK
Michelle Stone, Durham County, UK
Gilles Trichet, Sicfor-FCF
Helga Treiber, Sicfor-FCF
Brian Dillon, nexus, Ireland
In this last meeting the last decisions had to be made for the website and database, the bookkeeping and finalizing all work-packages.

The main emphasis was regarding sustainability and perpetuation of the instrument EduPlan which should be guaranteed by two elements:

  1. A central EU-application should be written within accompanying measures in the Leonardo programme with deadline of 31st of January 2013.
  2. A consortial agreement between all partners respectively successor organisations (for the Irish partner nexus city of Limerick and for the German LRD bildungsagentur GmbH) should generate the basic for testing of different models to use EduPlan. Main emphasis will be given to property rights, to data protection and to  cost calculations for different fields of practical use and durations.

A final decision was made up to provide the consortial-agreement until the end of the lifespan of the project and to sign and seal it by all partners. Actually the agreement will be ready end of January 2013 and come into operation up from 1st of March 2013.

In both cases LMU will be applicant body and responsible lead agency.

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