Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
The Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU), faculty of psychology and pedagogics, took ober the lead of the project after Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld.
As excellence-university with a huge network-radius the LMU will be able to act as agent and offers the results from EduPlan to a broader public. This should be increasingly guaranteed by including the academic context.
Lernende Regionen Deutschland e. V.
Association Learning Regions Germany (Verein Lernende Regionen Deutschland e.V.)
The association Learning Regions Germany (LRD) exists since 2007. It emerged out of the program “Learning Regions” by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In the association organized are Learning Regions from Germany and Switzerland as well as education experts. Moreover the association has a scientific board of directors.
The LRD has experience in the field of education counseling on a national level through the network “regional qualification centres for educational counseling and competence development “ (RQZ). On a European level LRD has project experience especially in the implementation of the European reference framework of quality assurance in the vocational education.
IHK für München und Oberbayern (partner)
CCI Munich and Upper Bavaria (IHK für München und Oberbayern )
The CCI Munich and Upper Bavaria works together with 12 000 training companies in the region of Upper Bavaria (350 000 member companies). The CCI has four main departments in the field of vocational education. Working here are training advisors who advice companies and apprentices. The chamber as a statutory corporation also turns to the politics, in order to further important decisions for its members. In December 2009 the Bavarian Federation of Industry and Commerce published a demand catalogue “Bildung 2020” (Education 2020), in which the consequent reduction of educational barriers, which exist within the educational system and the creation of smooth transitions is called for. At the moment the training advisors work in an internal quality analysis program. The interesting results out of this shall be discussed within the project EduPlan.
Nexus Europe (Irl) Ltd.
Durham County Council
The Durham County Council is a regional acting public organisation which comprises all kinds of services for the citizens. The partner in our project is the department of education. There are 250 towns and villages included and around 1.000 educational initiatives and institutions. At Durham it can be found one of the lowest rate of basic skills in United Kingdom and to improve these skills is one of the priorities of the department.
Main emphasis in the next years’ activities should be given to:
- Increasing participation of men in adult education and further education
- Social inclusion (migrants, women back to work etc.)
- Development of a quality-assurance-system of educational courses and institutions
- Integration of eduplan as self-explanatory instrument to gain quantitative data for quality assurance.
Stiftung Otto Eckart
The Otto-Eckart-Stiftung was funded in 1996. It aimed at focussing on social, environmental and educational projects. Its purposes is now changing from a public trust to an operative foundation with the following key-activities:
The main lines should be focus on:
- development of children and youth
- adult education and further vocational training and
- the worldwide exclusive Potatoe-Museum
Swiss Federation of Adult Learning (SVEB)
SVEB promotes cooperation among adult learning institutions, raises public awareness for lifelong learning and supports its members in their activities.
In Switzerland over two million people participate in adult education programs every year. On the one hand SVEB helps people using adult learning facilities by continuously supporting new and innovative projects in the field of adult learning and by ensuring a high quality standard. SVEB also aims to inspire people to accept lifelong learning as a way to promote personal and social betterment by enabling them to choose from the wide range of educational opportunities to discover their capabilities and to use them to their best advantage.
Most importantly, SVEB has a longstanding commitment for improving and sustaining the high level of educational standard within Switzerland. This means it supports institutions, communities and its cantons to create optimal conditions to reach high quality adult education nationwide.
For that, SVEB will be actively involved as a “silent partner”.
Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld
Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld – Education Agency Fürstenfeld
Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld is an educational network on regional level with the focus to build a bridge between companies and young people (school leavers of all school types) and to convince the companies to invest more in education. Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld has abandoned the projekt in the second year.
The Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld is a department of the town of Fürstenfeldbruck and has its domicile in the Monastery Fürstenfeld. The fields of activities include:
- Speed-dating
- Apprenticeship campus
- Educational premium
- Information centre vocational qualification U25
- ProfilePASS dialogue centre