International final conference in Munich

The 26th of June the final conference took place at the chamber of commerce for Munich and Upper-Bavaria. Important representatives of educational networks, organisations and companies met, discussed, held lectures and gave an insight-view into the completed tool.


Final conference in Munich: 25.-27.6.2012


Thomas Eckert, LMU (lead agency), Germany
Ruth Jermann, SVEB, Switzerland
Jutta Thinesse-Demel, LRD (coordinator), Germany
Jeanette Stephenson, Durham County, UK
Fiona Faill, Durham County, UK
Gilles Trichet, Sicfor-FCF
Helga Treiber, Sicfor-FCF

The final conference took place in Munich between 25th and 27th of June 2012. The venue was the conference hall of the chamber of commerce (IHK für München und Oberbayern). There were a significant number of experts from the field of educational organisations, -networks and companies who met there to listen to lectures, to share best practise and to get insight-views of  the EduPlan online system and its uses.

The main focus of this final conference consisted of partners perspectives of how they intended to use EduPlan in their own countries and regions after the lifespan of the project.

In Germany EduPlan will be established within the dual and VET system and within the transition between school and professional sector.

The main aim of all German Partners (LMU, LRD; OTEC and IHK) consisted of improving quality assurance in the field of education and training by using EduPlan as a measurement-instrument. EduPlan as tool-kit would help providers, trainers and learners in the context of informal and formal learning  to improve quality and measure success. The next step would be to exchange results between providers and educational networks in order to promote cooperation and exchange between educational organisations and the VET-departments of enterprises.

In France EduPlan will be offered to create and foster a culture for quality improvement for VET providers. We notice in France a gap between disquisitions and political will about improving attractiveness of VET provision on one hand; and effective approaches leaded to improve quality of the VET provision (such as certification or accreditation). The combination of EduPlan as a technological tool and the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework in VET (EQAVET) as methodological tool is intended for VET providers seeking to ensure and sustain quality of their system and provision.

In UK EduPlan will support the quality improvement of the vocational education and training practices in England. As self-evaluation-tool EduPlan will be accessible for providers, trainers/tutors and learners in relation to training measures in the county of Durham.

Similar steps are planned in the context of the city of Limerick in Ireland.

Within the national train-the-trainer-qualification system eduqua the Swiss federation of SVEB intends to integrate EduPlan in the revision of eduqua explicitly within the part self-exploitation – one of the main tasks of this revision.

The discussion throughout the conferences aimed to inspire the participants – all experts in the field of adult and VET-education – to think about own possibilities to embed EduPlan within their own institutions. 

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