4. PARTNERMEETING in Durham; 20th to 23th of March 2012



Durham (brief description) Revision of the questionnaire:

After evaluating the results from about 20 test persons per country, the following view is given: 

The distinction between „provider“ and „customer“ wasn't always clear; the questionnaire was for the recipients too long. Almost one whole day, the partner group took to adapt the anew and final questionnaire.

The result was the following

The provider-questionnaire has been shortened in almost all questions to the significant statements to 49 questions.

The customer-questionnaire has been renamed in Trainer-questionnaire, the market analysis  has been taken out and some other questions reduced, that there are only 40 questions left.

The recipient-questionnaire has been renamed in learner-questionnaire, reduced to only some aspects and shortened to 17 questions.

In the afternoon of the second day, the questionnaire has been given a trial on present experts and met with positive responses

Business plan

After the runtime of the project, EDUPLAN should be continued by the partner institutions. To that a business plan must be created and the copy-right must be clarified. Corresponding discussions were held on these topics.

Final conference

On 26th of June, the final conference will be in Munich in the building of „IHK für München und Oberbayern“. The plan is a half-day European-oriented event with participation of the BIBB, as well as an economical-political event, where firms should participate as future user of the devices. The agenda for this event will be available after Easter.

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